Import a file with OSC / Lua programmatically at runtime

I need to load an audio file (import) programmatically at runtime. How do I load file that exists on my PC and place it on existing track (or create a new one). Ideally I would like to do this with OSC and provide a String parameter that equals to file absolute path.

I don’t believe you can do this with OSC.

Importing files relies on the Editor GUI (mainly to handle this in a non-blocking way).
You can use a Lua script Action (and also trigger that script in GUI context), but actions do not have any parameters. For each file you want to load, you’d need a dedicated action.

ok, thanks - and I can trigger action with OSC right? So, as I see it, I have only option - to have a specific directory and copy + rename my file there, then call the lua script to load that file - and I think Ardour is creating a copy of that file in RAM right? So I can later delete that file and repeat the process with another file. Would be nice for a Lua action to have parameters thought - that would make it a lot simpler. But how about this - I will rename the name of the first track to filename path I want - lua script will read name of the first track - use that as a parameter. Sounds good?

I got it working - to dynamically load file I will first call OSC:
"/strip/name", id, val
where val is String path and id is track order which I want to rename.
Then I can trigger Action - lua script that will read first track name and load file with path equals track name:

ardour {
	["type"] = "EditorAction",
	name = "Load File Path from Track Name",
	author = "trackme518",
	description = [[Use previously set track name by OSC as a variable String absolute path to load audio file]]

function factory () return function ()
	-- t is-a
	r = Session:get_remote_nth_route(0)
	local track = r:to_track()
	print( track:name() )

	local files = C.StringVector();
	files:push_back( track:name() )

	local pos = Temporal.timepos_t(0)
	Editor:do_import (files,Editing.ImportDistinctFiles, Editing.ImportAsTrack, ARDOUR.SrcQuality.SrcBest,ARDOUR.MidiTrackNameSource.SMFTrackName, 
	pos, ARDOUR.PluginInfo(), ARDOUR.Track(), false)
end end
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Now that is a neat hack !!

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OSC call Lua Action:

somehow this does not work - do you know how I can trigger script action from OSC?

It should be possible via OSC “/access_action” after loading the script Menu > Edit > Lua Scripts > Script Manager > Action Scripts (the first 12 action scripts are also assignable using the buttons top-right in the toolbar)

I think I am experiencing some bug - when I insert the lua script inside the Scripting windows and click run it will do what I intend. But when I assign the script to Action 3 slot in Scripting manager window and click call it will do nothing. Also when I click edit it will do nothing…

My bad - it’s working now! I had a typo in saved lua script.

Just for clarification for other - OSC to call action is:
osc.send( target, “/access_action”, “LuaAction/script-3” );

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A bug in your own script :slight_smile: Well, happens to everyone.
It’s great you figured this all out and got things working.

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