The next one in the sequence is MB3Sigc-2 which comes with a page of instructions (so hopefully that’ll make things a bit easier!!) It looks like you also need to install something called M4 although I can’t quite remember what it is (some kind of macro processer maybe??)
Hi, -buildall returns me to following error:
Can’t locate local-paths.lib in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib) at C:+GTK-SOURCES\gnu-windows\src\MB3Proxy-libintl\ line 4.
local-path.lib is there, and all drivers were changed to c:
Are you running it from a Command Prompt (i.e. not just double-clicking it in Explorer?) Your Command Prompt would need to be here:-
Yes, I cd to the location and ran it from there
I’m baffled then… on my system Perl seems to behave the same as DOS - i.e. when searching for a file it starts by looking in the current directory before trying any search paths. For some reason it must be different for you but I can’t think why…
Or maybe I added my MB3Proxy-libintl path to Perl’s @INC path somehow…
[Edit…] No - I just printed out my @INC path and it’s the same as yours :-
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/strawberry/perl/lib
Try adding your edited copy of local-paths.lib (i.e. C:/strawberry/perl/lib/local-paths.lib) - although I haven’t needed to do that here…
Perl didn’t complain.
failed build:
1>cl : Command line warning D9035: option ‘Gm’ has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
1>c:+gtk-sources\gnu-windows\include\ardourext\sys\targetsxs.h(76): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘gtkmmconfig.h’: No such file or directory
1>Done building project “intl.vcxproj” – FAILED.
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Btw, Python and M4 already installed!
I just tried uploading some header files which need to go in:- C:\+gtk-sources\gnu-windows\include but unfortunately the site won’t allow it (apparently only image files are accepted). Just to get you started, I guess you could create an empty file called gtkmmconfig.h in the above folder. Can’t think of anything else
BTW - I’m guessing your C: drive isn’t FAT32? I tend to use a FAT32 drive for programming because the default folder access is read+write. In your case you’ll need to configure C:\+gtk-sources so that it (and all its subfolders) will offer you full read+write access.
Hi John, done. I added some extra folders in there, in case you will need it:
I put targetsxs.h.input and time.h.input in there. I roll everything back if what I did is bollocks
the site won’t allow it (apparently only image files are accepted)
How about a wetransfer link?
For the moment, just rename them (i.e. the copies) to targetsxs.h and time.h and in the meantime, I’ll look into wetransfer - or how about dropbox? (I’m already set up for dropbox)
What happens now if you try to build the target called Release 32 with Debugging Capability? Does it compile and link now?
Alex - would it be quicker if you could build with VC2005 and then migrate to VC2017 once everything’s up & running?
This might be worth trying… about half way down this page there’s a link for downloading VC++ 2005 Express Edition
There’s also a page here which even offers a Product Key.
Alternatively, Visual Studio 2008 uses the same style of .vcproj files and is still available from Microsoft
They’re hopefully all genuine but (esp. for the non-Microsoft downloads) be sure to run them through a virus checker - just to be on the safe side !!
hi John, sorry for the delay in replying.
What happens now if you try to build the target called Release 32 with Debugging Capability ? Does it compile and link now?
it still doesn’t compile.
I’ll look into wetransfer - or how about dropbox? (I’m already set up for dropbox)
That’s nice for me too! Let me just free up space there (it’s full and blocked).
It’s a shame the forum hasn’t got Private Message capabilities
Alex - would it be quicker if you could build with VC2005 and then migrate to VC2017 once everything’s up & running?
John, I’m here and will follow your guidance!
Haha - my guidance would be to use the current build system (gcc + waf). But if you want to stick with VC++ see if you can install one of the VS2005’s (from above) and let me know once you’ve got it installed okay.
John, email sent!
The thing is, Windows users will benefit from this!
Hi Alex - just wondering if any of those links worked for you…?
Also - did you get my email ?
Hi Alex, I’m getting your emails but I’m not sure if you’re getting mine. Can you let us know where you’re up to with this?
It’s not a problem if you’ve changed your mind… just let us know. Thx, John
Hi John, your last message arrived at the Spam folder. Thanks for letting me know!
I am downloading VC tonight.
Hi Alex - it’s looking like my emails are still ending up in your spam folder (i.e. I never get any replies to them).
I sent you a couple of zip file links to help get you started. Did you get them okay?
Hi John, indeed!! Sorry once again.
I Will reply to foi from there
Hi Alex - I’m guessing you didn’t have any success with MSVC?
In June I’ll be starting some voluntary work which will keep me busy until about August - so if you’re still keen to get involved with Ardour, maybe you should think about giving gcc a try now? Or even help in some other way (something like beta testing maybe?) John