Sorry if mods find this annoying, i’ve read previous relevant threads, i’ve put off doing this but i’m wasting so much time and getting nowhere.
I’m working with ardour 8, drumgizmo 0.9.20 and ubuntu 20.04.
My terminal says i have compiled and installed drumgizmo, but i have no drumgizmo.lv2 file to place in the usr/lib/lv2 directory as everyone says. So maybe it hasnt been installed?
I am a noob, it might be frustrating but if someone can succesfully help me get drumgizmo working on ardour, i will donate £10 to ardour in your honor.
The precompiled binaries in Schmitty’s link seem to only be for Windows and Mac.
If you look at the README file in the source code folder you’ll see that you have to add --enable-lv2 to ./configure to get the LV2 plugin. Otherwise you’ll only get the standalone program.
When i tried this step i think i got an error code back.
‘cd drumgizmo-0.9.20./configure --prefix=$PWD/install --enable-lv2’ comes back with 'too many arguments. So i delete the spaces and it comes back with ‘no such file or directory’
I’ve confirmed it is installed in the terminal ‘drumgizmo/now 0.9.20-2 all [installed,local]’, also ‘lv2-dev/focal,now 1.16.0-1 amd64 [installed]’
You smushed too commands into one command line. That won’t work. You need to use two separate command lines.
If you really want to compile drumgizmo yourself (I recommend installing it via apt instead), after you have downloaded and unpacked the source distribution for version 0.9.2, run:
cd drumgizmo-0.9.2
./configure --prefix=$PWD/install --enable-lv2
I would suggest to use --prefix=/usr instead, though.
Then in the same directory run:
make DESTDIR=/tmp/drumgizmo-installroot install
and after the last command, the LV2 plugin bundle should end up in /tmp/drumgizmo-installroot/usr/lib/lv2. It seems the bundle only gets build at the make install step.
Thanks, ive messed around with your suggestions with no luck. I dont want to compile it myself, i just want to drum and record midi. I tried apt first and it installed an old version, and i couldnt get that working either, though i understand things abit more now, so maybe ill just uninstall everything and try the apt route again.
so what exactly are the two seperate commands here and what should they be?
cd drumgizmo-0.9.2
./configure --prefix=$PWD/install --enable-lv2
I tried several variations and it comes with errors
Honestly, if the instructions I gave you are not enough, you need to learn more about the Linux command line before you try to compile software yourself. Otherwise you’re just in for a world of pain.
I would suggest, you just install the drumgizmo package from the Ubuntu Universe repo. I don’t use Ubuntu, so I’m not sure if this is one of the package repositories enabled by default, but it is an official one.
Ive done that now, i have an older version installed, there is a drumgzmo.lv2 file in the right place.
Now my problem is finding where to tell ardour to look for new VSTs to find drumgizmo?? what file does it want linking to?
Ardour should detect new LV2 plugins when you restart it. If not, open the “Plugin Manager” (“Window” menu) and click “Discover New/Updated”.
BTW: LV2 plugins are not VSTs. “VST” is a term that denotes a specific plugin format (which comes in two versions: VST2 and VST3). Ardour supports LV2, VST2 and VST3 plugins (and some more formats such as LADSPA and Lua scripts).
The first command installs the stow command and the second one creates symlinks from /opt/ drumgizmo-0.9.2 to /usr/local
If you then want to install 0.9.3 when it comes out you run sudo stow -D -d /opt/ -t /usr/local drumgizmo-0.9.2 (to remove the 0.9.2 symlinks) and then sudo stow -d /opt/ -t /usr/local drumgizmo-0.9.3 (to create new ones to 0.9.3)
That’s correct. LV2 plugins are directories with an .lv2 extension called LV2 bundles.
Did you do a search in the plugin manager window to see if the drumgizmo plugin is listed? If yes, does it say “OK” in the status column? If not, check Ardours “Log” window and search for any warning or error messages relating to drumgizmo. if you find any, copy them and paste them in a pastebin site (e.g. and post the link here.
If the status is OK, create a new MIDI track and drumgizmo should be listed in the instrument dropdown menu (you may need to scroll a lot to find it).
no, no searching worked. The only thing releated in the log was this
2024-08-15T14:27:42 [INFO]: Loading plugin order file /home/kev/.var/app/org.ardour.Ardour/config/ardour8/plugin_metadata/plugin_order
which was green.
this might be stupid, but i dont have any drum kits downloaded yet. I’ve assumed it will still show up in ardour even with any kits loaded yet. Or am i wrong?