I don't get it......

I’m very curious as to how Ardour works but I don’t have the slightest idea of:

  1. What to do with the “install” file that I’ve downloaded.
  2. What to do with the “console”
  3. X11 ?!?!?
  4. Jack?!!
  5. Compiling?
  6. Huh?

I cannot seem to find proper doucmentation that easily explains what I am supposed to do. I am also kind of new to Mac so I’m not familiar with common Mac terminology thus I don’t even know what I’m reading when I read it.

Could any one point me to a “how to from scratch for the complete idiot” page?

Would be greatly appriciated!


  1. There's a DMG which installs like any other OS X program. Open the DMG and drag "Ardour" to where ever you want to put it (the laucher, for example).
  2. Don't worry about it
  3. You find X11 on your OS X DVD, just install it and never worry about it again. (the X11 "sdk" is not what you want though)
  4. You need jack, yes: http://jackosx.com/
  5. Don't worry about that
  6. Stop worrying already!

Install X11 from the DVD, then install jackosx, then install Ardour.

Installing in OSX is often done via .dmg files (disk image). When a DMG is “opened” it becomes a sort of directory you can browse with Finder. Usually programs are installed by either starting a “package” from the DMG or simply by dragging the program icon to “Applications” or the application launcher.

Thanks for the tips Sampo,

I will try however when I downloaded the DMG it unzipped a folder and I cannot find and Ardour.app anywhere to drag.

Thanks in anycase! :slight_smile:


When you download the DMG, it should open in Finder exactly like an USB stick or an inserted CD/DVD would. “Zipping” will and should not happen. You will find the Ardour “application” in that folder.