howto tune up a soundfont or track


On ARdour 5.12/debian, suddenly a track with a calf fluid synth did not output any sound. I had to delete all track plugins and load a working simple synth and then replace it with the calf fluidsynth and sf2 soundfont to recover the sound. Great !
But now it is completely out of tune. How can I tune up a soundfont or track ?

If you’re using CALF plugins, all bets are off. We cannot support their use - these are one of the most frequent source of problems (and crashes) with Ardour.

Ardour comes with its own version of fluidsynth, called a-fluidsynth, which has the same soundfont engine as the CALF version, but is actually supported by us.


I also just updated ardour to 5.12 (i was using 5.5 before) and i now have the same tune problem. I tried to create a completely new track only with one MIDI track using a-fluidsynth and still out of tune. I tried to fix the tune in the controller but with no success but it gets only “close to C”

On qsynth the tune is fine but on ardour is out of tune.

Just an update. I found the source of the problem.

I have change the sample rate of Jack to 48000 and after this i started to have this problems. Going back to 44100 it fixed the tuning.

I think that samplerate needs to be the same in ardour and jack. Did you check it ?

Yes. It was exactly this the problem.