How to submit v7-pre bugs?

Hello all!

My daily routine is downloading, building and checking “what’s new” in the Ardour v7-pre.

I found some bugs a while ago that persist till now, so I wonder if there is any chance to submit them
before it’s not too late and v7 is not released yet. I’d like to make sure the new v7 has as few bugs as possible.

The “regular” tracker does not allow to pick v7 version… :frowning:

Thanks! Regards!

The lead developers have stated before that they do not want any bug reports while development is progressing at a quick rate. There will be an announcement on when the current state is stable enough that bug tracking is opened for v7.

When you start Arodur7 there is the following dialog which answers your question:

Once initial development concludes, there will be release candidates (and calls for translations) before the final release.

Ok, thanks! So I’ll wait! Bye!

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