How to stop random crashing

Good morning
Im on a simple session and Ardour 7.5 is crashing whenever i try to edit audio.
The session consists of:
1 imported mp3
2 mono recorded audio tracks
2 midi tracks
x42, Ace, Gx and Dragonfly plugins

System is AVL 21.3 up to date running on 2017 Lenovo Thinkstation. No problems with any other apps.

I’ve filed a bug report 0009420
Is there a way to avoid the crashes?


Ok. so do other sessions that previously worked also crash in Ardour 7.5? If you disable the Plugins does this session still crash? Is this 7.5 from here or from elsewhere? If you install an older or previous Ardour version (ie the one that came with AVL does this session still crash)

*Note the Ardour that came with AVL doesn’t interfere with the Ardour from and you can have multiple versions installed…

Please see the below link.


Thanks Seablade. Im using a dbg ardour, the second one i have downloaded to
see if the problem had gone and as i posted above, have already filed a
crash report

Sorry about that, hadn’t noticed the crash log when I checked your bug report, I blame me being blind apparently:)


Hi Glen,
I have been having many problems with Ardour recently. Now I’m on
7.5.199-dbg. I have been experiencing numerous Ardour crashes for months
I understand that plugins can crash the DAW. On the other hand, they are
required for processing the sound and I’m using respected ones, as I wrote;
x42, ace, airwindows and dragonfly.

So I don’t see evidence of a crash in your crash log. It does appear to be drawing the waveform/peak files, but none of the threads are reporting crashed.

When you say imported MP3, did you tell Ardour to copy it to the session (Default) or just embed/link the file?

And yes plugins can cause crashes, and just because they are notable doesn’t mean issues don’t happen, so I would still try what Glen suggested and opening with plugins disabled and see if that works.

If I run ardour in safe mode, I’ve got no midi, not even a gm synth, so cant hear if a part works (musically) or anything.

Yea Safe Mode isn’t about creating things, it is JUST about determining what is crashing. If Ardour opens and runs in Safe Mode, but not in ‘regular’ mode, then the only difference is what plugins you are using and we would want to disable plugins one by one (After making a backup of the session of course) until we find the one (Or multiple) that are causing the issue.

So at this point the first question I suppose I skipped, exactly what are you doing to cause the crash? Is there a repeatable recipe?

If you repeat that recipe in safe mode, does it crash? If not the issue is most likely with one of your plugins and we need to figure out which plugin and why it is crashing.


It is a crash that happens when trying to edit on the editor screen. Paul says its something to do with drawing waveforms. I’ve had this problem for months now.
I’m wondering if it might be the graphics driver?


What is the Video hardware in the computer? Intel, NVidia, AMD?

Are you using the Kernel AVL came with or have you updated the Kernel?

Hi Glen
the video card is Nvidia Quadro P400.
I used the nvidia driver in the AVL mx tools set and this has been also by
updated a couple of times by AVL updates, which are the only updates I have
I havent used the nvidia proprietary driver from nvidia’s website.
Many thanks

Ardour 7.5.199-dbg crashing again today on simple new session:
Crashed in safe mode.
I have posted the debug file on bug tracker

Please use the bug tracker to continue discussion and investigation.

Yes I will thank you Paul.
It crashes not everytime I use Ardour, maybe half the time. Ive got several projects Ive abandoned because they became unusable, so I will keep doing the bug reports till it gets sorted.
I think that every bad project has midi in it, the audio alone seems ok and with plugins.

Many thanks

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