How to stop automatic routing of click and monitor enable


When I create a new advanced session and set everything to manual this is how the default routing to physical devices look like

I want the device “Arctis Nova Pro” to not have any routes with Ardour. I also want master out, click and auditioner route to “Behringer” playback, and “Behringer” capture to route to master input and monitor enable.

I can set all of these in Audio Connections except the monitor enable (let me know if there is a way). That would look like this.

However when I save the session and reopen it, all the routing I did will stick except click will be routed to both devices as shown below and causes a “No Align”

Is there any way to make it permenant?

I’ve been discussing this with in #pipewire also and I’ve been told that Pipewire doesn’t tocuh jack clients at all. So this auto-routing is done by Ardour for some reason.

The connection of physical inputs (UMC202HD) directly to Ardour’s master-in is a bad idea, and definitely not done by Ardour. Ardour does however restore previously made manual connections.

The auditioner and metronome are auto-connected if they are not connected at session start.

As for the physical input monitor enable. That works around an issue with JACK/Pipewire. When a port is not connected to anything, no data is captured. This prevents input signal metering.

The only way to not make this connection is by editing the config file ($HOME/.config/ardour8/config) in a text editor while Ardour is not running and change.

<Option name="work-around-jack-no-copy-optimization" value="1"/>

to value="0".

Hi Robin,

As per my post UMC202HD being connected to master in is done by me manually and not automatically by Ardour.

However as you mentioned Ardour connects metronome and auditioner automatically (see first screenshot): One to the Arctis and another to UMC202HD. I see 2 problems with this, first I don’t want to mix and match my audio interfaces, if this needs to be done automatically then it would make more sense if it sticked to a single physical device and second I don’t want it automated at all as there is no way to make Ardour choose the correct interface. So I would like to disable auto connection of metronome and auditioner if possible. Is this possible?

Also input monitor enable, because it’s connected to both devices, causes a “No Align”. Again it would be much better if Ardour just chose one.

The routing for click seems to be not persistent, at least here it is not. I have a HDSP with 26 channels and if I route click out to e.g. outputs 3 and 4 (so I can control levels via the hardware mixer) the next time I open the project the click goes to 1 and 2 again. Tried this several times.

That is a bug then :thinking: