How to remove entire part of a project

Hello there,

I have a project with all the set list of my band, and I need to add / remove bars to adjust time between songs.
I can remove space between, but I need to move location/arrangement/BBTmarkers too.
Here the region I want to delete and keep the timeline in the right place :

Thank you

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Does this help?:



Thank you Keith, It’s look like is that feature I need, But Ardour freez at 100% CPU when I execute this.
I will test on another PC

You could add an arrangement marker for that section and the [re]move that section (using the Arrangement sidebar in the editor).

Hello Robin,

This trick works but not move the tempo and misalign the things

I’ve made a new project, added some tempos, and tried to “remove time”.
On 2 PC (both with Arch) Ardour crash.

If I try “Insert Time” with the tempos option, no crash but does not move the tempos…
