How to install Ardour under Kubuntu? Help a former WindowsUser


I downloaded the Ardour-datei from this page.
In the folder I can’t find Setup.exe … to installe
this programm.
What do I have to do to run ardour under Kubuntu?

Thanks for your help!

Use a package manager to install it, like adept. You can go to (.deb’s are packages) to get ardour 2.8 (but without vst and lv2 support).

Maybe this will help:


Linux doesn’t have setup.exe’s. You have downloaded the source code which you first have to compile to get an executable program. I would not recommend to do it, if you are that new to Linux. As far as I recall from my Ubuntu days (I am on a mac now), you can double click the deb-file which roaldz recommended and it opens in Kubuntus package manager and should install itself after that.

I would recommend you to use an multimedia distro, like 64studio 3.0 (ubuntu based, and ardour 2.8 included) or Ubuntu studio 9.04. It saves you some configuration issues I think…

We do not recommend Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) for use as an audio/music creation platform at this time. It may come as a shock to you that not every Linux distribution is identical in functionality, and it probably should not be this way, but alas that is the current situation. Ubuntu Studio is better, and will hopefully improve over time. 64studio or Fedora + PlanetCCRMA are your best options at this time. This doesn’t mean that the Linux install you already have will not work - it just means you’re likely to run into problems that would not have occured had you started with a different distribution of Linux.

Is this still the case? I’m moving from macos to linux and I really like KDE’s experience and Ubuntu’s ease of setup.

It is a little better, but not a whole lot. Again you can do it, just expect to need to do a bit more work. This is improved to no small part by Ardour switching to a self contained executable distribution so that Ubuntu can’t screw up the packaging(A common complaint) but there can be other issues, for instance dealing with PulseAudio and Jack, etc. that can be annoying.

I would suggest looking at AVLinux or DreamLinux for most folks doing audio on Linux these days personally.


@paul: What specifically are the differences between UbuntuStudio and fedora with ccrma? Dream Studio is fully compatible with and based on Ubuntu, but has tweaks such as a lowlatency kernel and rtirq-init by default, as well as realtime permissions enabled for all users by default and pulseaudio->jack integration. If there’s something I’m missing, I’d love to know so that I can implement it for all the Ubuntu users out there, as Ubuntu and its variants are the clear choice for first time linux users due to ease of use, documentation, and application availability, not to mention the fact that when people ask “what linux distribution should I start with?”, Ubuntu is by far the most recommended option.

The major difference is the packaging. Ubuntu repeatedly screwed up the packaging for the Ardour releases causing Ubuntu users to see bugs that noone else on any other distro ever saw(For instance no file picker in the import/save/etc. dialogs).

There were issues with their realtime kernels for some time, last I heard that had been sorted but I haven’t checked lately. And of course their integration of Pulse and Jack had issues for quite some time as well.


FWIW, I’m running Ardour (built from SVN source) on two different commodity-grade Acer laptops with Ubuntu 10.04.LTS, with no major issues. When I’m doing critical work, I boot up with the realtime kernel, and the performance and reliability are superb.

The version in the Ubuntu repo seems adequate. I only build from source because I like to have the latest bug fixes. (And because if I ever had any spare time, I’d be helping to fix bugs.)



If you look closely this is is a pretty old thread, Paul’s comments are from 2009 and looking back they are probably not terribly off-base for the time period. If I’m not mistaken Paul is a 64bit Fedora/CCRMA user so it would naturally be one of his first recommendations since it is most familiar to him. I think pretty much all distributions are shipping a decent build of Ardour these days and with IRQ threading a matter of only a minor ‘threadirqs’ addition the the GRUB boot line in Kernels 2.6.39+ things are in much better shape for Linux users to have a much more comprehensive choice including Ubuntu/DreamStudio of course.


Funny you should mention this, as we just had a user in IRC that the most likely cause for their problem was again the Ubuntu distibution packaging of Ardour;) It was a relatively minor problem this time, causing problems with refreshing the editor window whenever it didn’t have focus, but one that couldn’t be reproduced by any of the other users active at that time in IRC. Thus my statements above;) It isn’t that there is no longer a package of 2.8.11, there is, but that their package seems to continually have problems, and of course it will likely take some time before we see 2.8.12 which is now released in it.

All this being said, 2.8.12 has taken the form of a self-packaged executable that can be downloaded from this site, so no small part of this may now be moot as a result.



Well I stand corrected! Guess I should know better than to stick my neck out for Ubuntu…lol

Seriously though I guess I figured anyone with more than a passing interest in Ardour who uses Ubuntu will likely gravitate to either a dedicated distro like DreamStudio or a dedicated repository like falkTX’s KXStudio PPA to focus and enhance the multimedia experience on Ubuntu. So I’d tend to agree with you that a packager that is simply rolling out generic Ardour releases and isn’t an actual user or enthusiast won’t be very motivated to do it correctly or even know how to do so. But Ubuntu with the correct dedicated repositories or someone who rolls their own builds like DonF can have as good an experience with Ubuntu as anything…except maybe AV Linux (:-b)

Oh I won’t disagree that some of the dedicated audio distros are not bad at all, yours or others. But you are correct in that unless you have a dedicated interest in audio, you won’t be spending to much time setting up the distro for audio, as that just isn’t a large part of the user base.

On the flip side, it might be considered no worse than Windows, but sadly it isn’t as good as OS X.


@gmaq: thanks for pointing out the date! Totally missed that one.

luckily, although stock Ubuntu may have some issues to this day, Dream Studio (which uses the KXStudio repositories) has most of the bases covered. In fact, I’ve made an updated version of the script that can convert a regular Ubuntu system to a Dream Studio one, including the installation of all the necessary packages (including an up to date, properly packaged ardour), setting of permissions, etc. It’s basically like ccrma for Ubuntu.

If anyone’s interested, the download is here:

Hey macinnisrr,

I ran your script on my Natty system, and now it’s totally hosed! I tried recovery mode as well as a bunch of earlier Ubuntu versions in GRUB, but it just gets to the boot screen, flashes like 5 times and then just sits there idle with a backlit black screen. I’m typing this from my Win7 partition. :frowning:

Any idea how I can get in there and fix this??
