How to I quantize ?


The first thoughts you may have regarding the subject is “this dude is a fool”.
Because quantizing in simple and kindly documented here :

Here is the full story :
A played a few days with the Linux demo and I was able to quantize properly
I was very happy so I decided to purchase and install version 5.10.
But now I can’t succeed in quantizing properly.
Here are the steps I’m following.

  • Start from a fresh project (TS: 4/4; grid 1/4)
  • Create one midi track
  • Add 16 notes at every 1/4 step (quantifying will be obviously useless but this is for the demo)
  • Right clip on region and select MIDI > Quantify, 1/4 + note start + note end

And what happens ?
It does not quantize at 1/4 but at full step (1/1)
It does this whatever the division I choose.
It tried to play with the grid but it has no more effect.
What I’m missing ?

It was a bug. Ardour looked for a “/4” or “/8” in the text-string and if none was found used “1 beat”.
That also worked with most translations, or most translators took care of keeping the slash+number suffix.

I just enforced the language to English and guess what ? Now it works !
It sounds effectively as a bug.
On my side I can leave with the English version.
@x42 thanks for the suggestion.

Sorry : “I can live with the English version”

It has been fixed in git to work with all languages.

If I quantize the quarter notes with:

  • note start + note end, then starts are quantized to full notes, durations stay 1/4
  • note start only, then result is same as previous
  • note end only, then ends are quantized to 1/4 notes, durations are changed to full notes

I just tried out the new 5.11.0 version.
Same problem.

I can’t help, new to all of this, especially Ardoir,
strange no to hear from the developer regarding this,
for he would certainly know the answer.

Is this perhaps with the French version of Ardour? ie the dropdown does not say “Beats/4” but “Quart de temps” ?

This may or may not be a bug; I’ve experienced a similar problem once where enabling quantization for the note end/note off resulted in a bunch of whole notes, regardless of what the grid size was actually set to. Do you have the same issue if you only quantize note on/note start?