How to debug generic MIDI binding maps


thanks for the new video, I started creating a MIDI map for the Yamaha MODX. It has three control modes (Transport/Track/Plugin), the ‘transport’ mode with six buttons works so far:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArdourMIDIBindings version="1.0.0" name="Yamaha MODX">
<!-- 240816 DAW Mode 'Live' fraslo -->
ATTENTION, setup your MODX: 
- Performance/Remote/Settings/DAW has to be 'Live'!
- Connect the second MODX MIDI Port with Ardour (DAW-Control)

<!-- Transport controls -->
<Binding channel="1" note="89" function="transport-zero"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="91" function="transport-start"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="92" function="transport-end"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="94" function="transport-roll"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="93" function="transport-stop"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="95" function="toggle-rec-enable"/>


The creation was a bit painful, Ardour lost my control surface configuration several times, I guess there were errors in my MIDI mappings and nothing worked most of the time (the MIDI Tracer did, nice tool). Before I start with the more complex modes: how can I debug the creation? Is there a log where Ardour writes something about my MIDI map? Is it possible to load the file again without restarting Ardour completely?

Use xmllint to validate. It’ll catch broken tags. If you need to bind to pitchbend, the type is ‘pb’.

Are you sure that you should be using the “note” attribute rather than “ctl”?

It works here, the MIDI Tracer logs:

   4057587          NoteOn chn  1 89  127
     4061757         NoteOff chn  1 89  64 
     4072649          NoteOn chn  1 91  127
     4079519         NoteOff chn  1 91  64 
     4088260          NoteOn chn  1 92  127
     4095660         NoteOff chn  1 92  64 
     4132552          NoteOn chn  1 95  127
     4136704         NoteOff chn  1 95  64 
     4146714          NoteOn chn  1 93  127
     4150841         NoteOff chn  1 93  64 
     4160454          NoteOn chn  1 94  127
     4165049         NoteOff chn  1 94  64 

Anyway, I found out that the device acts as a Mackie control unit which is not documented in the manual nor the reference manual. For anybody who owns a MODX: just choose Mackie control unit in Ardour and select the virtual MIDI Port 2 after setting the DAW Mode on the MODX to ‘Live’ (Performance/Remote/Settings/DAW).

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