How do I assign a mod wheel on a MIDI controller to an automation?

I have an Arturia MicroFreak that outputs the pitch bend strip value to “Bender [1]” and the key “pressure” to “PolyPressure [1]”. How do I map any of these to control an automation from a plugin (specifically, BBC Symphony Orchestra Expression)? The plugin itself won’t let me do that, but if Ardour sees the output of the MicroFreak and it can control the input to the BBCSO plugin, I think it should be possible.


I have written a plugin, which converts Pitch Bend into Control Change messages:

However, afaik, Ardour does not apply MIDI plugins to the MIDI devices used for plugin parameter control. A workaround would be to run this plugin outside of Ardour, e.g. in Carla and use the output as a MIDI controller device.

I have no plugin to convert Poly Pressure messages to Control Changes, because the former are, as the name says, polyphonic, i.e. per note. and the latter are monophonic, i.e. per channel.

You do not need to run it outside of ardour. Create a new MIDI bus with no instrument, connect its input to your device, add the plugins there, connect the bus to the Generic MIDI Control In port in the MIDI Connections window (and nothing else)

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If the plugin exposes the parameter as an automation lane you can assign a CC to the automation lane. This works with audio effects plugins too.

There’s a little bit of setup required - The Ardour Manual - Generic MIDI Learn

After displaying the automation lane you hold ctrl and middle click on it, and it will show a popup asking you to move a controller.

Thanks all! I managed to get PB to control the expression in the plugin, but since I can’t use poly pressure as well I’ve decided to just stick to the knobs instead.