Hi! I have download Ardour and the BPM was error. How can i fix this?

Hi there!

I was able to download and install Ardour 8 on my PC. But, i think there is some problem with mine. When i started to import file like an audio from my drum recording, BPM was never get sync with Ardour even i try to write 500 BPM but the sound still about 100 BPM.

My drum is about 125, but like i said before. Even i tried to choose 500 BPM they never sound like 500 BPM actually. I think there is some bug or mine audio server was bad? I am using ALSA and AudioPulse. And uhmmm, i am not using the track rate as Ardour saying in the soft. It’s between 48khz.

Did you guys have any solution? Thank you.

The Tempo setting, which is 120 BPM by default, doesn’t affect the playback speed of the recorded audio; it only changes the metronome speed and the spacing of the grid.

If you have imported a drum recording which is 125 BPM and it sounds like 100 on playback it’s probably a sample rate mismatch.
If the drum recording was done at 44.1kHz you need to make sure that it gets resampled if you import it into a 48kHz session.

It could also be that your sound card isn’t able to play 48kHz, or downsample it on the fly to 44.1.

All right. Understand. Thank you.

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