Help compiling Ardour

I can’t make it compile how do I fix this?

Checking for ‘libxml-2.0’ : yes
Checking for ‘sigc+±2.0’ >= 2.0 : yes
Checking for function getmntent : yes
Checking for header execinfo.h : yes
Checking for header unistd.h : yes
Checking for function posix_memalign : yes
Checking for function localtime_r : yes
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for ‘cppunit’ >= 1.12.0 : not found
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes
Checking for ‘libusb-1.0’ : not found
You are missing the libusb-1.0 development package needed to compile Push2 support
Checking for header cwiid.h : not found
You are missing the cwiid headers needed to compile wiimote support
Checking for ‘jack’ >= 0.121.0 : not found
The configuration failed
(complete log in /home/fuzzmew/software/Ardour-5.12.0/build/config.log)
fuzzmew@system1 ~/software/Ardour-5.12.0 $

btw i’m running Mint Linux 18

We don’t generally provide support for compiling Ardour. As new developer this is your entry level exam :smirk: and as casual user you should probably not compile it yourself but rather install a pre-compiled version and make some music instead…

All that being said, you don’t have the required build-dependencies installed. On Debian-based systems like Mint sudo apt-get build-dep ardour can help. The complete list of built-dependencies can be found at