If a strip with a midi instrument is selected via the gui, the input is directly set for this strip to the
standart midi controller and deactivates the inputs for the other strips.
I want to do the same thing, from an OSC controller.
The Manual says:
- GUI selection: Use /strip/select to set. Selecting a strip in the GUI will set OSC surface select and the surface will set GUI selection as well.
That seems to mean to me that if I use the command /strip/select ssid y/n, this command will set the GUI select.
I guess I’m missunderstanding, but it doesn’t work.
If I use the commnad /strip/select ssid y/n, it’s not setting the GUI selection (the red frame around the strip),
the GUI selection stays where it is.
Because of this I cannot activate the midi controller for a certain strip via OSC.
Am I misunderstanding the command, or am I missing something in general?
Is there a way to activate the midi input for a particular channel via OSC?
Greetings from germany