Google Summer of Code 2007

iTunes integration would be nice.

Maybe something as simple as listening and recording podcasts for a start.


Ardour it is and DAW what we need to punch on it ?

MIDI - Pianoroll editor like Rosegarden or Seq24 or Muse Sequencer or LMMS it is all open source ? Why not colaborate to make a whole Daw and knock out Cubase ?

- Zynaddsubfx and other synth instrument support (after piano roll editor and midi implementation)

 - Beat slincin/Beat loop/Time stretch

 - Editor window for waveforms ?! like all audio editor (just somethin)
 - Vst support/Dssi 

Video Tracks ?! maibe use some mplayer code and some ffmepg ? but MIDI Sequencing is the top one feature wee are waiting!!!

Ardour for Midi/Audio/Editing compositon and Video sync
Rosegarden for advanced midi compositing and printing

Let make what gimp it is for Art People and Blender3d, Ardour be for Audio and Midi

By the way Control Surfaces and etc can be added after it is just on step after Midi recording and editing (i mean with mouse and with midi keyboard)

The graphic UI it is ok maybe some theme support and some documentation about making themes for it!


I think with the coming ardour 2.0 release, something that I think will be needed is more plugins.

I know that ardour supports VST, but more native plugins(perhaps using DSSI,LADSPA,etc) would be great.

I think one of the things that define the usefulness of ProTools are the variety of great plugins that come with it.

Of course, some things are easier than others. Maybe some plugins for using with vocals would be nice (something like Waves Vocal plugins). Or maybe just some good effects in general would be nice.

LADSPA support is already there. There’s also the start of AudioUnit support that needs to be finished.

Not to be a broken record, but the lack of MIDI editing is the only thing keeping me from becoming a full-time user as well. The day I know that MIDI is editable in Ardour, I’m planning on becoming a full subscriber (I’m really really looking forward to that day). After using SONAR in windows for so long, I haven’t been able to settle for anything less. Rosegarden has a good start in terms of midi, but their piano roll setup is nowhere near as clean as it should be. The big thing that they’re missing (and that Ardour should have) is smart mouse controls. Having a tool to put down notes is great, but after that it’s great to be able to perform different actions just by moving certain places on the created note. Clicking and dragging the left side of the note moves it forward/backward along that given note; clicking and dragging the middle of a note moves it up and down the scale, changing the note (which would be audible, duh); clicking and dragging on the front end of a note will make the note longer or shorter. Sure all piano rolls generally have these options, but not all of them let you do it without constantly switching tools and pressing buttons. I was hoping the Rosegarden team would implement a style like this one, but Aurdor could have this professional setup right from the start. I’m so excited to watch this project continue to evolve!

Nyquist Support

Speaking of Audacity and VST Enabler, how about support for Nyquist(the LISP-like audio processing language that works with Audacity).

For a description, go here:

for the “ping” feature, jdelay already exists.

this is linux - we don’t reimplement cool tools just to make user’s lives easier. or do we? :slight_smile:

parts of the automation need an overhaul.
editing is not so nice.

a midi editor is a nice thing.
we need to take a look at how different an
audio stream and a midi stream are.

an osc data stream is also missing.


can velocity be expressed with alpha color ?.

then a stream splitter could split midi-streams into

CC (control automation) -> (view/editable with AutomationTimeAxisView)

NOTES (contain velocity) -> (view has to be coded)


I’d like to see a cup-holder and a rear-view mirror, but that’s just me.

I know this is late for this summer, but I’d love to see a way of categorizing plugins. It’s a huge PITA to scroll through a bunch of plugins I’ll never use to get to the 20 or so I use regularly.

Some sort of folder view would be nice. The ability to the same plugin in multiple folders would help as well. You could have a “guitar” folder, “bass”, “drums”, etc, as well as having separate folders for the plugin authors.

try autotalent for pitch correction.
I made a ubuntu package for it too. See: