i have idea
add a file browser sub/under editor list for speed up use sample by drag&drop
hi robin
Sononym not work
ayyi/samplecat i cant compile (i know after compile like Sononym not work for drag & drop in sampler plugin not ardour)
ardour importer dont work for drag in sampler plugin
just carla-rack work fine but it not have a auto play sample option
In all honesty, I recommend using another DAW if not having that feature is such a workflow killer.
Hi, imho it is not a workflow killer, but…would be a workflow enhancer if that existed
I complete agree but my answer for @idea was simply based on his emboldened question of “what should we do now??”
Well i guess we do with Ardour as it is or buy bitwig i guess
Lets hope it will be implemented 1 day, as i said would be marvelous.
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