Farbro - Unplugged (instrumental sampled/mashup/electronic thing)

A couple of months ago I had no internet connection for a month. Frustrating as that was, at least some good came out of it as I got this track made.

It’s a patchwork of bits and pieces from other songs, stitched together with the Calf plugins and the SO-404 LV2 synth. Created with Ardour3 on Dreamstudio 12.04.

Listen and download @ Soundcloud:

Thanks! I used the Vintage Delay, Phaser, Filter, Reverb, EQ:s (for filtering out unwanted frequencies, and final EQing) and the Analyzer… That’s all I think.


Cool mixture of sounds and ideas! Which Calf plugins did you use?

Impressive, how did you keep track of all these different samples? (I suspect there is a U2 sample around 3:10).
Very nice.