Not new to Linux, 20+ years. but new to Linux and DAW. I realize that my learning curve may take awhile.
So, qtjackctl working fine–I can see the sound of my Avantone CV-12BLA mic, my Yamaha Reface DX, both sending audio in from my Focus rite 2i2 interface. & eventually my Crumar Mojo 61 keyboard will all be recording through Ardour.
I am running Ubuntu Studio 20.04 with on my Lenovo T61 with Plasma desktop installed post install.
What can I send everyone in the way of messages to help me understand.
I have
Thank you all,
Perhaps missing realtime permissions?
When you use JACK, Ardour requires jackd to have rt-permissions:
Usually Ubuntu Studio sets this up correctly though, but you can check
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high jackd2 # enable it, then re-login (or reboot)
Are you using Ardour 6? There should be a more detailed error message.
PS. Is there a reason why you need JACK, you’re usually better off without it and using Ardour’s Audio System: ALSA instead.
Really? Not to use jack? It IS set by ubuntustudio to realtime permissions.
I can try using Ardour’s Audio System: ALSA instead…
Why all the reliance on Jack?
ALSO, how do I upgrade to Ardour 6.2 in this new install of ubuntustudio?
Frankly unless you are doing inter-software routing, there isn’t much need to use Jack for 99% of cases.
For the record, ALSA is Linux’s audio system. Jack runs on top of it. Pulseaudio runs on top of it as well. Ardour just accesses it directly when you use ALSA as your backend, and this simplifies things for many users.
Jack actually started as Ardour’s own backend a LONG time ago. It was broken off into it’s own project because of how capable it was, and developed from there. For a long time, Ardour used Jack exclusively, but now has multiple backends it supports, and as a result for many people and uses using ALSA directly in Ardour is simpler. For more complex setups and inter-software routing Jack provides a very nice toolset, but it is more difficult for many people to use.
Download and run the file from this website. It will install into a different location than the Ubuntu installed version. You can run it by then running Ardour that you find in /opt (As opposed to /usr where you will find the Ubuntu installed version).
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