Exporting a MIDI track with automations

Hi all,

I exported a MIDI track where I had created a complex bender automation.
Wanting to use it in another existing project, I exported it. But importing it into the new project, it lacks bender automation (for example, where it descends linearly, there is instead a horizontal step). Is there no way to keep the original project’s bender automation information?
[Ardour 8.1 on Linux]

Thank you,

Linear interpolation between CC or Bender Events is an Ardour feature. Some other DAW also allow to change the mode between “Discrete” and “Linear” interpolation (in Ardour it’s in the context menu of the autiomation track header).

To expand the interpolated values to discrete points the easiest is to use stem-export.

Menu > Session > Export > Stem Export, then in the Channels tab disable “Apply track/bus processing” so you get raw MIDI data, select the MIDI tracks you want to export, and go…

Other than that, you could bounce the region. This also plays though the region and evaluates interpolation. Select the MIDI region, then Menu > Region > Bounce without processing. You will find the result the editor’s sidebar’s Sources Tab.

You can then directly grab the file from the session’s interchange/*/midifiles folder.

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Perfect, thanks.

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