Export selection of multiple regions

When selecting multiple regions and opening the region export menu, Ardour only exports one of these regions, which I find a little weird.

As there is no current way to export multiple regions in Ardour, I wrote a script that opens the region export dialog for each selected region. It still requires user input to validate the export every time a dialog opens though.

If you prefer this behavior, I’d recommend to override the shortcut for region export (Ctrl+Alt+E) and set it up to this script instead.

ardour {
	["type"]    = "EditorAction",
	name        = "Export selected regions",
	license     = "MIT",
	author      = "Zelv",
	description = [[Open export dialog for each selected region]]

function factory () return function ()

	-- get Editor GUI Selection
	local selection = Editor:get_selection ()

	-- save list of selected regions
	local regions_to_export = {}
	for r in selection.regions:regionlist ():iter () do
		regions_to_export[r:name ()] = r

	-- iterates over export dialogs for each region
	for name, r in pairs(regions_to_export) do

		print ("Region:", name)

		-- set selection in the editor to the current region only
		local rv = Editor:regionview_from_region (r)
		local tmp_selection = ArdourUI.SelectionList ()

		Editor:set_selection (tmp_selection, ArdourUI.SelectionOp.Set)
		-- open selected region export dialog
		Editor:access_action("Region", "export-region")

end end

function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg)
	local wh = math.min (width, height) * .5
	ctx:translate (math.floor (width * .5 - wh), math.floor (height * .5 - wh))

	ctx:set_line_width (1)

	function draw_arrow (x0,y0)
		ctx:set_source_rgba (.2, .2, .2, 1)

		ctx:move_to (x0, y0)
		local x1 = x0 + wh * 0.2
		local y1 = y0 - wh * .92
		local x2 = x0 + wh * 0.2 * 0.7
		local y2 = y0 - wh * .92 * 0.7
		ctx:line_to (x1, y1)
		ctx:stroke ()

		ctx:move_to (x1, y1)
		local ar = wh * 0.37
		ctx:line_to (x2 - ar, y2)
		ctx:line_to (x2 + ar, y2)
		ctx:close_path ()

	-- left rectangle
	ctx:rectangle (.25 + math.ceil(wh * 0.25), math.ceil(wh ), math.floor(wh * .66) , math.floor(.66 * wh) )
	ctx:set_source_rgba (1, 0, 0, 1)
	ctx:stroke_preserve ()
	ctx:set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1)
	ctx:fill ()

	-- right rectangle
	ctx:rectangle (.25 + math.ceil(wh * 1.1), math.ceil(wh), math.floor(wh * .66) , math.floor(.66 * wh) )
	ctx:set_source_rgba (1, 0, 0, 1)
	ctx:stroke_preserve ()
	ctx:set_source_rgba (.9, .9, .9, 1)
	ctx:fill ()

	-- left arrow
	local x0 = .25 + math.ceil(wh * 0.25) + math.floor(wh * .66) / 2.0
	local y0 = math.ceil(wh) + math.floor(wh * .66) / 2.0

	-- right arrow
	local x0 = .25 + math.ceil(wh * 1.1) + math.floor(wh * .66) / 2.0
	local y0 = math.ceil(wh) + math.floor(wh * .66) / 2.0
end end

If all the regions are on a single track you can use ranges to export them.

True! In my case, I had to split recordings in multiple regions and export them all. Combined with a script to automatically name the regions, it is much faster than split them and move them to different track. Also in that case the stem export would work too.

Yeah stem export is what I use for exporting 1000s of samples. I have my audio on one track but route it to different busses as needed.

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