Export an entire project into a midi file

Is it possibile to export an entire session with only midi file in it into a single midi file?!

Each midi track is made by little regions duplicated from an orginal cell.

I am in the middle of a session, and i would like to pass the project to a collaborator with a different DAW.

I can’t find a better way to do this than to consolidate the short regions in a track in a single region and then export track by track in different midi files. Without tempo, markers and anything in it.

Is this really the only way to do it?!

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


We do not currently offer a way to create multi-track MIDI files (either during recording or during export).

Personally, I’m not a fan of that format, because ultimately the receiving DAW will almost certainly just split it back up into individual tracks for editing etc.

We do need to offer to include tempo information, and to export all MIDI tracks in one step.

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Thanks (Y) :slight_smile:

Paul, I’m also in need of a way to export MIDI and am glad to hear that you’re interested in adding this feature. Ranked from “perfection” to “good enough”, I’m looking for:

  1. Export all MIDI tracks in one step (as you said)
  2. Export each MIDI track one by one
  3. Ctrl-A copy paste a MIDI track into a plaintext document for Ctrl-A copy paste back into an Ardour MIDI track.

If any of these are possible now, please let me know as my current understanding is they are not.

Regarding #2 " 1. Export each MIDI track one by one", what you can already do is route the MIDI output of one or multiple tracks to a new midi track, and record on this new track, to create one MIDI region from all the recorded tracks, then right click this region > Name-of-the-midi-track > Export. Obviously, this has to be done track by track for tracks using the same notes.


Sweet. I did not know you could export a MIDI region. Just tested it and played the midi file in VLC. Worked like a charm.


I also would really love to have a decent export function for MIDI. I hope it goes up in the priorities list! You have my vote :wink: :smile: