Error Installing ZynAddSubFx

I was trying to install this synth just now but I just got 3 errors regarding this installation.

BTW, one of the errors is rtosc-time failing. And just a few days ago, I’ve just entered timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock because dual booting the computer would give me different times in Windows and Linux. What can I do to fix this error?


I can’t help you with the build problem but usually zyn is available in most of distribuition out there.
Anyway, I’d post to a more generic forum like linuxmusicians, more chances of getting answers.

I don’t know how to assist with your specific issue, but just in case you were building by another means, I would point to the build instructions linked below. I have successfully built ZynAddSubFX on two different machines by following them.

Thank you, building from github worked!

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