Here is a Bossa cover of Enjoy the Silence (Depeche Mode). With a different chords progression…
Everything in here made with Ardour (Takes and Mix, plugins: Lsp Eq 16 mono, Comp).
Aea R84 Ribbon Mic
Neve 88 M Audio interface (Which is very good, works out the box, we use it for 6 month now, very good preamps, class compliant, and very low latency 1.5ms).
Video gear: Sony A7 IV, Sigma 50mm art, Sigma 35mm art
Video edit with Kdenlive, Ubuntu Studio last release for everything.
Not the sort of music I normally listen to, either the cover style or the original. But I recognise superb playing when I see and hear it, an excellent mix and a great video as well
Was it tracked live (i.e. all three of you playing together) or overdubbed?
My mind however boggles with the fact that the shaker sounds so very much from the wrong direction compared to where it is visible on the picture. Also, I see it is mimed… I suggest to always make sure she sings at same effort she sung in front of the actual mic… the difference in effort is visible… you guys will immediately notice when her timing/phrasing is off compared to the recording. Although what I’d do is to actually record them live with mics (one for the shaker) and lines in that setting. For such intimate performances (love her voice) some room spill is not bad… and If the room sounds reasonable, do setup an extra stereo pair some distance away for some lovely atmosphere (walk around the room listening to them performing to pick a nice-sounding place) – you can still elect not to use it in the end, but maybe it’ll turn out great.
Thank you for the comment !
No it’s not fully tracked Live, some video takes are live (mostly instrument takes, singer takes from behind), some not (because we don’t actually have two or three cameras). Video here is a support for audio.
Thanks for your comment.
As i said to @Lost_Highway this is not fully tracked live. the main purpose of this video was to create a support for audio.
Audio track is a studio take (not live, with editing, adding shaker, clave, guitar is a midside recording etc). Some video takes are live but as we don’t have three cameras (and steadycamers) we have to add overdubed video takes.
We have real live videos with a live sound take (one take) on our channel (but still some additional video takes): Every little thing she does is magic River Joni Mitchell Back to Black Amy Winehouse