Enable recording to a track

I’ve successfully used Ardour for several years to edit pre-recorded material, but now would like to record directly to a track. Using built-in Mac mic for now. Started engine after checking inputs, created track, connected system hardware to track input, clicked red circle to arm recording, level meter does not respond. Can record just fine in Logic, Garage Band, etc, but Ardour just won’t see system input.

What am I missing?

PS – I’m running Catalina, Ardour 5.12, and yes, permission to access the mic is enabled

We regret that Catalina broke Ardour’s ability to record.

The problem is very simple, and already fixed in our development code (currently 6.0-pre1 available as a nightly build).

But 5.12 cannot record on Catalina. I’ve been told that Ardour is not alone in being affected by this.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for letting me know – so I wasn’t just missing something silly! Apparently there aren’t nightlies available for OSX at the moment? Meanwhile for recording there’s always GarageBand :slight_smile:

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