DSP meter questions & suggestions

This post is half suggestions (if they make sense) / half questions.
Keep in mind that at the moment I am still confused about CPU vs DSP.
I saw a recommended video, but have not watched it yet.
Probably just coincidence but I have noticed that it seems that Windows programs seem to show “CPU” and Linux programs seem to show “DSP” which is strange, but again probably just coincidence.

Ardour shows current DSP use values up in main toolbar.
It does this in the form of percentages %
However each plugin can show its DSP use and/or there is a combined window that shows all plugin DSP use however this is shown in (ms) along with color bar meters.
Would it be possible to show a % value for each plugin in these DSP meter bar windows? These would add up to the DSP % meter at the top (minus what Ardour itself is using)

In as simple terms as possible, can someone briefly explain the use of showing these (ms) millisecond value in these Ardour meters.

The manual page for “Plugin DSP Load” window does not seem to mention anything about the use of ms values. Maybe could be updated to mention a little bit more about this, if what I am asking about makes sense.

Thank You

Of all the 120 plugins? Even if it would fit, there cannot be a useful percentage since processing happens in parallel. A percentage only makes sense for the total time required to process the whole graph.

perhaps: 20 features from Ardour/Mixbus 6 that I wish every DAW had.

Hey Robin, thank you for your quick response.
I am not sure what you mean by “all 120 plugins”?
I was referring to adding %numbers somewhere in each plugin shown in “Plugin DSP Load” for example.
Not a complete accurate reading of course but just an average percentage.
I was just thinking that each plugin would have to generate some kind of data that would get added up for Ardour to then display this as a percentage of DSP being used, but again maybe this is not correct still based on what you mentioned.
I was just thinking that if a typical user goes into this window to get some basic information, I just don’t see them saying… “oh good that plugin is only using 1.72ms” :slight_smile:
Anyways thank you again, I will check out that link you mentioned that looks interesting, I like lists like this.

That is pretty much useless information then.

Again obviously you know more about this stuff than I do, but just to clarify.
I don’t mean that percentage being requested to be shown is just general made up number entirely.
As mentioned would it not be using the same data that is being added up by Ardour to generate/show users the total % percentage in the top toolbar?

If your DSP % at top of toolbar showed 15% use
Say Ardour is using 5%
and you have three plugins total in the session
EQ 3%
Compressor 2%
Reverb 5%
Totaling up to the other 10%
Equaling 15% total

What I meant was they would all be adjusting of course, but wouldn’t they be as “accurate” as the total % that Ardour is showing?
If it is too hard to explain to a none developer you do not have to.
Like I said maybe I am not making sense, but just wanted to try to clarify.

Do any other users know what I am trying to say, that maybe could explain it better than I am?
Thank You

If you have only 3 plugins, sure, maybe.

But that’s atypical. And if you have 27 plugins, or 115, how could we possibly dispaly that information concisely in a “bar” ?

I do understand what you want Ardour to display, but I fail to explain why that information would be pretty much useless.

I suppose we could display the two(?) plugins that require a long time to process. Then again even though a single plugin may require a long to process, removing it may not change the total DSP percentage at all.

Hey Paul, thank you for your response.
I apologize I don’t want to take up both of your time, I was just curious.
I think I understand but to me what you guys are already showing (min, max, averages, color bar graphics, etc.) for all plugins seems way more complex then what I thought I was asking for, if that makes sense :slight_smile:
I was just thinking that a percentage value to a regular average user could be more informative than a ms reading.
Again you guys do not have to take this any further if you do not want to.
Thank you both for your time and answers.

For a quick overview: open Window > Plugin DSP Load, and then sort by “worst case”.

Thank you again guys.

Robin, I was able to take a look at the link you provided, I did not read all 20 items yet :slight_smile: but thank you for this, I have looked this up in the past and never liked the answers I found about CPU vs DSP. In the past I could never understand why system CPU meters would never match up to audio application CPU % meters, makes more sense now.
I think I mentioned this to you in the past, but the links you provide always seem to be some of the best information available, (retorical question) but how do you manage to find this stuff, really great.
Thank you again.

I apologize can I just ask another question, has me curious.
I am sure there is a reason, if does not require too technical of an answer, can I ask why the numbering of the bar is laid out the way it is?
Why does it show 0 0.72 1.7 3.02
Thank You

These are times in ms between 0 and the theoretical maximum processing time allowed (buffer size) on a logarithmic scale. The number are the result of evenly distributed breakpoints on that log scale.

Thank you for answering.
Again I was just curious, didn’t notice any kind of pattern to the numbering :slight_smile:

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