download Ardour3


when clic on the link in “news/A3beta5 is released”

it says page not found. Have tried to cut “community.” from the adress, but it’s the same :frowning:

Any idea ?


I think the Beta 5 version has been removed, because it’s out of date and buggy and the release of Ardour 3.0 is imminent.

Oh cool !
So I’ll wait to end this session with the new A3…

anahata is dead on accurate. The beta was very out of date so it was removed, RCs are circulating and ideally the release for Linux will be very shortly.


Since the new website went online, the /files tree seems to have disappeared from both and

For the same reason, it’s no longer possible to build “from scratch” as described here:

The build process fails at the attempt to download the gtk-engines tarball from, during this step:

$AD/2.0-ongoing/tools/build-gtk-stack --patch

the files tree is still there, but the web server configuration needs adjusting to make it accessible again. i’ll try to get that done in the next 24hrs.

Thanks for the response, Paul, and my apologies for the near-identical post.

Excellent work, everyone!

@dennismtaylor: the webserver is fixed now, and /files should be available again.

@paul: Indeed, they are. Many, many thanks!