i am using Ardour8 on MacOs.
On a Midi Track, the input is a Virtual Midi port IAC Bus 1 and the output is an other Virtual Midi port IAC Bus 2.
In summary:
Port IAC Bus 1 —> Midi Track of Ardour —> port IAC Bus 2.
I am using Midi Monitor to look at the midi messages on each port.
What i observe and this is a problem for my project is that the ordering of midi messages has been changed: here is below some messages from Midi Monitor, where the first column is the time. Timestamp is different on IAC Bus1 for each message in order to impose some time ordering, but curiously, these timestamps have been put the same on output IAC Bus 2.
In particular, the problem i would like to solve is that the message Pitch Wheel has been put at a different place, i would like to keep “Note On” at the end.
1741953358522 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 Control 1 Controller 35 60
1741953358523 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 Control 1 Controller 41 1
1741953358525 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 Pitch Wheel 1 0
1741953358527 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 57
1741953358528 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 Note On 1 C3 57
1741953422233 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 2 Control 1 Controller 35 60
1741953422233 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 2 Control 1 Controller 41 1
1741953422233 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 2 Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 57
1741953422233 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 2 Note On 1 C3 57
1741953422233 From Gestionnaire IAC Bus 2 Pitch Wheel 1 0
Do you understand ? is there a way to ask ardour to respect the ordering? May be by increasing the delay between messages in IAC Bus 1?