Discussion about Inline Control observations

I was trying to solve some issues with MIDI CC parameters and ran into noticing some things about “Inline Controls”. Before making any bug reports / requests, I was wondering if any developers / users can verify or share expected behavior for some of the things I have noticed about them.

ICs = Inline Controls

1.) If you setup ICs in the left sidebar mixer channel strip and you then go into the Mixer, the changes are not updated in the Mixer. You appear to have to save the project and reopen it and then the Mixer shows ICs.

2.) At first I thought the above item was on purpose that the ICs were only shown where they were added to either Edit (sidebar) or Mixer.
Have not thought about it that much, might be confusing but does anyone feel there could be a benefit to having a setting to only show ICs in sidebar Mixer channel and not in the Mixer. Guess would all depend on the parameters linked to ICs if they are performance based for the Edit or Mixer based parameters that are more mixing based.

3.) Some plugins I have tried setting up ICs for, I noticed do not save them with project.
When you reload the project all the ICs setup are gone.
Ace Fluidsynth is a Fluidsynth based plugin that does save any ICs setup.
However if you try plugin called “Fluida” which is also based on Fluidsynth and you setup ICs and save your project, when you reload that project they are gone.
(Warning if anyone tries this careful when adjusting IC parameters for this plugin, DSP on my machine was going up to almost 100%! :slight_smile: )

4.) The worst thing I have noticed so far is this one.
I was hoping to be able to setup ICs to an instrument plugin (well to a MIDI CC plugin before an instrument plugin) and then just be able to duplicate that track as many times as needed. I noticed that unfortunately the setup ICs do not duplicate with the track. Does anyone hopefully know of a setting for something like this?

I think that is all for now that I have noticed.
Any information on any of these items would be appreciated.
Thank You

yes, or just make a change in the corresponding mixer’s mixer-strip, and that’ll pick up settings made in the editor-mixer (and vice versa).

We should fix this. Also Inline controls on the Cue-page are not kept in sync at all.

That is correct. Visual state is not included in the track’s state. Plugin Window positions are not copied either, etc.

Okay thank you Robin, I will put in some reports/requests about the topic.