Disable Track delete confirmation message?

The title pretty much says it.
Is it possible to disable the confirmation message when deleting a track?
I looked in the Preferences but couldn’t find a setting for that. Googling also didn’t bring an answer, maybe I’m just overseeing something.
Cleaning up a session and experimenting with a bunch of tracks becomes very tidious with that message popping up for every single track.

I understand that you want to be protected from accidentaly removing a track but since there is no keybinding for deleting a track, and it isn’t even assignable in the keybindings manager, the chance of accidentally deleting a track is already rather low.
You have to either right-click the track and choose Remove, or select the track and go to the Track tab in the menu bar and choose Remove from here. Either way, this is nothing that happens like “Whoops! Oh no, I didn’t want to do that!”.
At least for my part I’d rather live with an accidentally deleted track and learn the hard way to be more cautious, than have to wrestle that confirmation message over and over again.