Debut album: CUNTYGRRRL (punk/hiphop)

Hello all,

I’m excited to share my debut album, CUNTYGRRRL! It’s an experimental punk–hip-hop album, inspired by the 80s Riot Grrrl sound. It deals with a lot of issues around transgender politics and life — be warned, you might find it politically provocative or distressing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :heart:

It was released on my bandcamp yesterday on Trans Day of Remembrance (20/11) — you get a few free streams before the $10 cost, though it’ll be available on popular streaming services starting this Friday. Here’s the linktree for all available options:

CUNTYGRRRL | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

I produced and recorded it entirely using Ardour + FOSS plugins (in particular I used Hydrogen to sequence drum patterns and Vitalium for all the sound synthesis.) It’s been about 3 years now since I switched to Linux and Ardour for production and I’ve never turned back — this album really wouldn’t have been possible without all the support and resources this community has offered me, and it gives me so much hope in the future of open source + accessible music. Thank you, and lots of love from India! :pray:t5: :brown_heart: