Cue loop and live rec?

hi happy Ardour users :slight_smile:

in search of riffs ideas, what I like to do is playing a beat sample, let say 4 bars repeated adlib in cue mode, and record what is played on at that beat on a single track.

can’t find a way to do that… is it possible if you don’t “fill a track” with a sample ?

thanks for your answers !

we don’t do clip/cue recording yet.

You can record a region in the editor then bounce that region into a clip/cue slot.

thanks for your fast answer Paul,

not sure that my words have explained what is wanted to do, AND SURE that I don’t understand “clip/cue recording”, maybe that’s what I’ve asked for? anyway, “fill the track” with the sample will work without re-inventing the wheel!

thanks again and again for Ardour