Corrupt Session using Ardour 8.10

Hello everyone,

I am trying to open a session I worked on a session i worked on a few days ago, and Ardour (8.10) cannot load it properly due to “invalid or corrupt session”. Ardour probably crashed when I quit the session last time.


It seems linked to a a region called “BoomBoomRise compound-1.9 (1)”

I have tried looking into the .ardour file and saw that there are 2 regions with the this name

So I tried to delete them in the file, unfortunately it still says my session is corrupt afterwards :confused:
However no more mention of the problematic region


I am unsure what to do :frowning: does anyone know what I can try?

Can you maybe upload the .ardour file? I can try this solution, maybe works:

I uploaded the file on my nextcloud :slight_smile: here it is:

I think it works now. Here the link: Hello - Google Drive

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Wow it works, thank you so much! :pray:

Out of curiosity, how did you find this out?
I see these lines changed:

This is the solution: