Copying Session across to another Computer

I have written a track on a Laptop using a LIVEUSEB this all works fine. I want to put this on to my main computer so I have just copied across all of the files in the directory and put it on the other machine. But when I run it, it says that the original session was created at 48kHz it I open it every thing runs at the wrong speed. This happens even if I try and run it off my USB stick which is where it was originally created.

If I go back laptop every thing is OK. I have checked Jack on both computers and it is running at 44.1kHz. Currently running Ardour 2.8.2


How did you check JACK’s sample rate?

I’m using Jack Control and just clicked on Setup

Check the main display on Jack Control. Some sound cards will not support certain samplerates, and will therefore run at the closest available samplerate. For example, I used to have a card that wouldn’t run at 48000, so although that was what I had it set as in the setup window of qjackctl, it was actually running at 44100 when jack started up.

On the coumpter where I have created the track the display in Jack Control says 44100. I need to check the other computer

even if it says 44100 on both computers, just try it with 48000 on your main computer, just to see if it works that way.

Right sussed it.

It looks like the computer I was copying the Session on to wasn’t actual running Jack at 44100. On closer inspection it’s actually running at 48000 (and it won’t let me drop it to 44100).

Thanks every one for your help

Sounds like that system runs something “Creative” for a sound device … :wink: