Controlling MuseScore & Ardour

I’m new to Linux and I’m running Ubuntu Studio 24.04 and I would like to be able to control Ardour 8.4.0 and MuseScore 3.2.3 at the same time. I’m able to control MuseScore using JACK 0.9.13 (using Qt 6.4.2), but I am unable to get JACK to control Ardour. It doesn’t need to be JACK, just anything to sync them together. I’ve tried a million different configurations in JACK setup, and the Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration program and Ardour Audio/Midi Setup.

And help would be appreciated!

See the manual section on transport synchronization:

Likely you just need to set Ardour to synchronize the transport to JACK.

Related to this, JACK support is being worked on for MuseScore 4 - jack-midi support by lyrra · Pull Request #19246 · musescore/MuseScore · GitHub