I’m used to having this kind of noises between edits: before consolidating the track sounds fine but afterwards it’s like Ardour needs more often than not specific fades so the resulting file comes out smooth. I would then go back to the edits and add fades even when they are not audibly needed, and then get the consolidated file turns out right.
But this problem has escalated somehow for me lately, now even with the fades reviewed I cannot seem to get anything right, and after trying bouncing, exporting, and recording to another track getting the same results I feel out of options. Please someone save me
First of all thanks for stopping by SpotlightKid. Now maybe I could have better expressed myself, as english is not my native language, but the problem is really as described:
I get noise in the exported files right at the points where some edits have been done. When I play the project inside Ardour no noise is noticeable, but after export it becomes apparent. Also as I said I got kinda used to it some time ago, simply went onto the problematic points and extended fades and that usually got it solved, now I’m stuck getting those clicks all around not sure how to go on from here. Tried different soundcard, different export formats…
The odd part is that there is no difference when exporting vs. playing normally.
Except some plugins may not like running faster than realtime. Can you try to do a realtime export (the option is at the top/center of the export dialog’s Timespan tab)?
As for region fades, can you verify that they are enabled: Session > Properties > Fades.
Can you do a simple “Wav @ session-rate” export … and Analyze Exported Audio (ideally with Ardour 8.10)
Are all your sessions affected, or just specific ones?
In general the dirty consolidation process is something I’ve been having for some time, but it seems only this session the one that gets me noise after export even when playing clean inside ardour.
Maybe “click” doesn’t describe it well, I attach an example here:
Right between 00:02 and 00:03, theres like a “tick” or something. This is an extract from the whole export I just did checking the realtime option. Fades are enabled.
Apparently recording the track into another track did work but I wasn’t noticing because it works partially. Some noises get cleaned, some don’t, but I just needed to carefully repeat the process on the specific points, then consolidate, then check and repeat until I got rid of every one of them. Cumbersome, but effective.
I will soon switch to 8.10 and hope I can put this behind me.