Can't start on Windows 10

I downloaded the demo version and installed it on my laptop. When I started Ardour 5, my anti-virus software Kaspersky asked me to give audio permission to Ardour, and I clicked Yes. Then nothing happened after that.

System: Windows 10 64bit

I also tried Ardour on my Windows 8 Laptop. It still had the same problem.

Ardour is an amaziong software. I’ve tried it on Linux. I want to use it on my laptop, too.

While installing An error occurred with the message
Error opening file for writing
c:\Program files\Ardour5\share\ardour5\ArdourMOno.ttf

Retry Login. How can fix it? My brother printer offline after this.

I visit Brother printer offline to fix my printer issue, But Instalation is still pending.

Could you try a debug build? And then Start → Ardour → Ardour (GDB) There could be some error message printed there
(see also

One thing to try as well, delete Ardour’s config folder and re-try: %localappdata%\ardour5 (type "%localappdata% in the explorer bar, it’ll go to a hidden folder, usually C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\local)

Oh, nightly version can start properly! Is the Ardour-debug.log still useful now? Should I report this to bug tracker page?
log file download link
Thank you very much!

uhh…sorry I thought HTML Links syntax is allowed here.
Link is here :

Does the optimized nightly work, too? It’s not quite clear from the backtrace why it hangs.

While I was installing optimized nightly, a warning popped up( I thought it was just a font, so I clicked ignore. Except that issue, optimized nightly works well so far.