“Ardouston, we got a problem…”
Ubuntu 7.04
ardour 2.0
(built from revision 1762)
I had a session running well.
Recorded some freestyles on soma-fm-stream (big fun).
Did that 3 Times, ended up with 3 Vocal-Tracks and 3 Soma-fm-Stream-Recorded Tracks.
Started arranging them.
Session started responding slowly.
I saved.
I quit.
I stopped Jack.
I quit Jack.
Restarted Jack.
Restarted Ardour.
Tried to load Session.
Got these Error-Messages:
Window 1:
programming error: unknown region type passed to Session:: add_Region()
[Press to Exit]
Window 2:
[ERROR]: Session: XMLNode describing an AudioRegion references an unknown source id = 1570
[ERROR]: Session: cannot create Region from XML description.
[ERROR]: Session: XMLNode describing an AudioRegion references an unknown source id = 1593
[ERROR]: Session: cannot create Region from XML description.
[ERROR]: Session: XMLNode describing an AudioRegion references an unknown source id = 1570
[ERROR]: Session: cannot create Region from XML description.
Screenshot is available here:
Is there a way i can recover this Session?
Contains all the files, so the files are there.
My Project-Folder also contains the following files:
Can it be a damaged XML-File?
Can i repair that?
Or is it easier to open a new Session an reimport all the Tracks?
If yes, how to reimport the split Left/Right-Audiofiles from the Stereo-Tracks back into one Stereo-Track?
Postings with the same Problem:
http://ardour.org/node/1310 = no clear step-by-step solution.
http://ardour.org/node/1136 = have to delete some lines from .ardour-File
Gonna do this by Trial-and-Terror.
Backing up .ardour-files…
trying to edit my Session-File: paqdojonaan___radiostylers.ardour…
but don’t know what to do, need to seek further guidance…
… from you
My XML-File can be found here:
Any hints appreciated,