Can't audition/listen to soundfiles via import window

Ardour 8.10 on Ubuntu Studio 22.04

  • I cannot sort out why I’m unable to audition/listen to soundfiles from the import window
  • the auditioner out1 & 2 channels are connected to the master/audio in 1 &2 in Carla
  • when I select a soundfile and hit the play button the meter shows signal (the fader next to it is at 0dB) but no signal at the master buss then out to my audio interface
  • everything else works as expected
- a similar thing happens when I create a range in a track region and press A to audition as suggested the other day

Ardour has separate “auditioner” ports, which need to be connected to your audio interface output ports.

As to why this apparently isn’t connected automatically for you, I don’t know, but check your settings under “Preferences → Monitoring”.

as I stated in my original post:
I made those connections to the master buss by hand in Carla, (also made them in Ardour’s audio/midi connections) and still NO signal gets to the master buss
but I’ll check my Monitor settings again

Master bus gets turned off during audition .
If you note the reply from SpotlightKid it was specifically noted that audition out should be connected to the hardware ports.


That won’t work. Ardour’s complete processing (incl. master-bus) is not running when auditioning.

You need to connect those ports to physical outputs.

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thanks to all - in my tired frustrated state I didn’t read the responses to my problem.
I’ve connected the audition ports to the audio I/O outputs it’s now working
sorry for my confusion – when working with Ardour 6.x (upgraded directly to v.8 - never used v.7) I never had to connect the audition ports by hand so never paid attention to where they normally connected to.
thanks for the patience and help