Cannot hear source during track recording

I am running Ubuntu 10.01 with Ardour 2.8.11 and I am unable to hear the source I am recording. Auditioner/out 1 and Auditioner/out 2 are mapped through to playback_1 and playback_2 respectively but I cannot hear the source sound through my speakers. I can hear unmuted previously recorder tracks playing through the master bus during recording OK. Master/out_1 and master/out_2 are connected to playback_1 and playback_2 respectively.

Also, if I click the Audition button, in the main screen, it turns red during clicking and then reverts to its original state and nothing appears to happen.

The only way I can hear the source during recording is to connect capture_1 and capture_2 to playback_1 and playback_2 respectively.

Can someone explain how I’m supposed to use the auditioner/out ports and why the Audition button has no effect?

In the Windows>Preference>Auditon tab Out 1 is mapped to system:playback_1 and Out 2 is mapped to system:playback_2.

Many thanks,

you should probably experiment with the ‘auto input’ button.
what is your monitoring set to? (main menu->options->monitoring)


The auditioner is not what you are looking for, that is for auditioning regions.

What you are looking for should be in Options>Monitoring

From your description, unless you have hardware that can handle monitoring, you likely want “Ardour does Monitoring”
