Cannot download Ardour..danger to my computer?

Okay, finally got all the monetary things worked out for Ardour,
Downloaded the link and my computer will not finish the download claiming this could be a danger to my computer with no remedy for getting around it.
Anyone heard of this? I cannot download Ardour from the website.
Never saw this warning before from any other site like this
Any thoughts?

If you’re on Windows (which is where this message normally shows up), it’s your choice to disable the “anti-virus” software that causes it.

We personally vouch for Ardour not being malware in any way, but we also refuse to cooperate with “anti-virus” software systems that require our active participation.

Actual Windows users may have some more insights.

I think this message is because our installer is not signed. Recently Windows 10 became more restrictive making it harder to install unsigned apps.

A recent article on this subject even mentions Ardour:

Thanks Paul, I went back and searched harder. I found the solution by bypassing the warnings. Thanks for confirming the link is malware free. Windows tried to lock me out but eventually relented…

Yep this is my typical experience with my Windows machine. Plenty of warnings but they can all be ignored or you accept the risk or whatever the verbage is. I trust the deves and never get my builds from anywhere else.

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