Can not get rid of Celeste

So, I imported a MIDI file into Ardour 8.6.0 on Ubuntu Linux.
One of the MIDI tracks has a patch change setting to GeneralMidi/Celeste.
I delete the Patch Change
But no matter what other Patch Change I enter, I always hear Celeste.
So far I found 3 different ways to set a Patch Change and I tried them all.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?

After deleting the patch change, have you tried to just manually change patch?
Assuming you use General MIDI Synth, open its plugin GUI (in the mixer) and change the instrument there.

Other than that, perhaps the new patch-changes you added were for a different MIDI channel than the notes? Change to MIDI/Internal edit mode (or press ‘e’). Then hover the mouse over the notes. What MIDI channel do they use?

You set me on the path to victory! Thank you so much!
Seeing the channel of the notes, I now made the patch change add selected the same channel.
Long, looooong time ago I used Steinberg Pro24 before restarting my hobby with Ardour. A track back then had always the one configured channel. Ardour works differently of course.
This is a happy Ardour newbie.

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@kwoot Glad you found your answer.

I’m just chiming in here (see what I did there?) because my mind jumped from “celeste” to the Marie Celeste ghost ship and all of a sudden I was hearing a weird celeste-y Hotel California riff in my head: “you can delete the patch change any time you want, but …”

Clearly you have a very associative mind. And, one that you can probably never leave (see what I did there?).
Greets, Jeroen.