Can I install Ardour 0.99.3 AND Ardour 2 on the same machine?

I’d like to try Ardour 2, but don’t know how stable it is.

I’m just wondering if I need to remove my binary version before building Ardour 2…

Yes you can.

I have two Ardours, one installed in /usr/bin/ and other one in /usr/local/bin

The other one was Mandriva’s rpm package.

ardour2 has a different binary name (“ardour2”), uses different configuration files, and should not overwrite ardour 0.99 files.

however, we haven’t specifically checked this, so the “two prefix” install outlined by the other response is a smart thing to do.

I have ardour 1 and 2 in the same prefix (/usr), it works just fine.

Marc-Olivier Barre,
Kinoko en Orbite

I’d love to try out the latest Ardour and assist with bug fixing/testing, but I’m very conscious of it breaking my current install. I’m using Ubuntu Dapper, but I need Ardour for some development work I’m doing.

Is there any way someone could come up with a short tutorial on how to install ardour2 on a .99 machine. I don’t suppose there’s a way to run it from it’s sompiled gtk-ardour directory?

If you want to do beta testing, you don’t necessarily need to install Ardour 2.0. After you compile 2.0 you can run Ardour from the gtk2_ardour/ directory via the ardev script ("./ardev", as “.” is not usually in the PATH).

If I remember correctly, the only thing you need do besides this is make the control surfaces libraries visible in your ~/.ardour2/ directory. And this is only if you decide to compile with SURFACES=1 .

To make the control surfaces libraries usable, you should:

  1. Make sure you have the directory ~/.ardour2/ and the subdirectory ~/.ardour2/surfaces . Create them with mkdir if they don't exist.
  2. Make sure the ~/.ardour2/surfaces/ directory contains symbolic links to all .so files under libs/surfaces/ in the Ardour source directory.

Currently, the control surface libraries we have are:

Here’s a quick script to create the links:


if [ “$1” = “” -o ! -d “$1”/gtk2_ardour ]; then
echo “give the FULL path where ardour 2.0 source code is as the first argument (I repeat: do not give a relative path)”

if [ ! -d ~/.ardour2 ]; then
mkdir ~/.ardour2/ || die

if [ ! -d ~/.ardour2/surfaces ]; then
mkdir ~/.ardour2/surfaces || die

for LIBRARY in $(find $1/libs/surfaces/ -name “*.so”); do
TMP=~/.ardour2/surfaces/$(basename $LIBRARY)
if [ ! -a $TMP -a ! -h $TMP ]; then
echo “Creating link to $(basename $LIBRARY)”
echo “Link to $(basename $LIBRARY) already exists, skipping”