"Born Under a Bad Sign" - Live Blues in Ardour

Hi there!

Here’s a version of Albert King’s “Born Under a Bad Sign” from my Blues & Rock band, mixed down in Ardour:

The audio was captured using the built-in multitrack recorder of an Allen&Heath Qu-16 console (can be spotted in the right corner of the stage).

Mixdown details (mics, FX/plugins) are identical to the ones in this previous show-off: https://community.ardour.org/node/8543 - except for the blues harp, which in this track was recorded via a tiny Vox amp plus a Sennheiser e606.

The video was done by our video guy with some Windows software. (I know that Ardour can be used for post production stuff, I recently did that, but I’m simply not the video guy and to be honest, Kdenlive isn’t really a ball [yet?].)

Feel free to comment or ask questions.



Albert King!? now we’re talking! Great job on the video, the sound is really good and well mixed, I like the angle shots which break things up nicely visually. When I saw the Cajon/percussion set in a classic blues tune I was a bit worried but it sounds quite good and the singer/percussionist does double-duty very well. The bass sounds nice and round and holds the tune together very well.

Really great to see a tune like this being played in public, thanks for sharing!

[Opinion alert!]
As a blues nut and player myself I don’t personally think the shred metal guitar and tone work very well in this song, the guitarist is obviously a great player and I don’t know the rest of your repertoire so maybe you guys covers a lot of different genres but a blues staple like this should have attention paid to the ‘sounds’ just as much as the actual notes and melody IMHO… but anyway just an opinion… :slight_smile: