Bindings for M-Audio Axiom 49 MkII

I own a 2nd generation M-Audio Axiom 49 for which there was no binding, so I used the bundled binding for the Axiom 61 as a base and wrote the map below for my purposes ; feel free to reuse it.

I set it up like this:

  • The 9 faders are mapped to 8 track gains + master volume (like for Axiom 61)
  • Fader buttons are mapped to 8 track record/arm + toggle metronome (I find this more useful for my purposes than the mute actions in the original Axiom 61 maps)
  • Encoders are mapped to pan (I don’t have a lot of uses for that yet)
  • The backward/forward buttons are mapped to next/previous marker (more useful to me than transport forward/backward)

A few things to note:

  • When operating the faders/encoders on the keyboard, they need to reach the exact same MIDI value as what’s actually in the Ardour UI before they actually update anything, in order to avoid suddenly jumping to a different volume. This took me a while to understand!
  • I increased the “smoothing” parameter to 30 in the “General MIDI” controller options ; otherwise quick changes to faders did not work, probably for similar reasons.

Other than this, everything appears to work.

Copy the configuration below in ~/.config/ardour8/midi_maps/, restart Ardour and select “M-Audio Axiom 49 MkII” in the “General MIDI” controller options.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArdourMIDIBindings version="1.0.0" name="M-Audio Axiom 49 MkII">

<!-- 2015-04-25 Edgar Aichinger: initial version for Axiom 61 -->
<!-- 2024-10-14 Francois-Xavier Thomas: adaptation for Axiom 49 MkII -->
<!-- I'm assuming Factory default, preset/patch 1 in the Axiom 49 MkII. -->

<!-- Faders, mapped to track faders 1-8 and Master -->

  <Binding channel="1" ctl="74" uri="/route/gain 1"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="71" uri="/route/gain 2"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="91" uri="/route/gain 3"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="93" uri="/route/gain 4"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="73" uri="/route/gain 5"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="72" uri="/route/gain 6"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="5" uri="/route/gain 7"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="84" uri="/route/gain 8"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="7" uri="/bus/gain master"/>

<!-- Zone/Group buttons, below the faders -->
<!-- these toggle record for the corresponding tracks (1-8) and metronome/click on the rightmost button -->

  <Binding channel="1" pgm="0" uri="/route/recenable 1"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="1" uri="/route/recenable 2"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="2" uri="/route/recenable 3"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="3" uri="/route/recenable 4"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="4" uri="/route/recenable 5"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="5" uri="/route/recenable 6"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="6" uri="/route/recenable 7"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="7" uri="/route/recenable 8"/>
  <Binding channel="1" pgm="8" action="Transport/ToggleClick"/>

<!-- Encoders, mapped to pan direction. -->

  <Binding channel="1" ctl="75" uri="/route/pandirection 1"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="76" uri="/route/pandirection 2"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="92" uri="/route/pandirection 3"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="95" uri="/route/pandirection 4"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="10" uri="/route/pandirection 5"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="77" uri="/route/pandirection 6"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="78" uri="/route/pandirection 7"/>
  <Binding channel="1" ctl="79" uri="/route/pandirection 8"/>

<!-- Transport controls -->

  <Binding channel="16" ctl="114" action="Common/jump-backward-to-mark"/>
  <Binding channel="16" ctl="115" action="Common/jump-forward-to-mark"/>
  <Binding channel="16" ctl="116" function="transport-stop"/>
  <Binding channel="16" ctl="117" function="transport-roll"/>
  <Binding channel="16" ctl="113" function="loop-toggle"/>
  <Binding channel="16" ctl="118" function="toggle-rec-enable"/>

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Cool, thanks :slight_smile: Pushed to git

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