Becoming free of Pro Tools' proprietary prison

I just finished setting up my system to record music with Ardour. It works great and I love it. But now, I need to get an unfinished album recorded in a now-dead studio by a half-gone band into this system so I can finish it. I have this album in Pro Tools format, both in the versions 5(?)-6 .pts and the versions 7-9 .ptf, and the only Pro Tools computer I have access to is version 6.9. I’m aware of multiple methods to get my sessions over to Ardour, from copying the audio files and manually lining them up and redoing the compression effects to buying a conversion program, but I have no idea what from the latter works, nor do I understand how to do it without buying a simple conversion program for the low low price of hundreds of dollars. What’s the best, most affordable way to get these sessions into Ardour, or at least out of Pro Tools?

AATranslator. Run it under Wine on Linux (or OS X). Its the only viable option at this time.

Wow, I’ve never heard if this program before. It would’ve saved me a looooooooooot of time and effort if I had known about it when I was first converting the .ptf files to .pts. Thanks!

It’s times like this that Google can be your best friend :wink: can come in handy :slight_smile: