AVL Drumkits installation

I’m running Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.2

I’ve installed Ardour 6 from the Mint software centre.

I’m trying to install AVL Drumkits plugins.

I downloaded and extracted the AVL Drumkits plugins.

I navigated to the Home folder and clicked Ctrl+H this revealed a hidden .lv2 folder

I copied the extracted AVL Drumkits files into the hidden .lv2 folder.

The plugins include a kit called ‘Red Zeppelin’. I opened Ardour and clicked on: Window/Plugins manager. I typed ‘Red Zeppelin’ but nothing showed up.

I entered the terminal command below.


It produced this result.

home/username/.lv2: No such file or directory

I think I have to enter a command into the terminal in order to create a directory but I don’t know how to go about doing that.

Any ideas?

Make sure you only copy the folder “avldrums.lv2” from the extracted file (or run the installer that comes with it).

Do you have $HOME/.lv2/avldrums.lv2/ (and not $HOME/.lv2/x42-avldrums/)?

Alternatively you could install the “avldrums” package from your Linux distro. Debian ships it so Mint should have it as well.

avldrums is in the Mint repository.

I deleted the files that I’d copied into the hidden .lv2 folder and then installed avldrums from the repository.

The Red Zeppelin and Black Pearl kits show up in Ardour/Windows/Plugins manager

I thought that new files of some type might appear in the .lv2 folder but it remains empty.

Many thanks.

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Packaged, system wide installed plugins are in /usr/lib/lv2

I would guess the Debian | Ubuntu | Mint AVL Drumkits Packages are most likely well out of date… Even KX Studio Repo is long out of date (last I checked)… I would guess the Blonde Bop and Buskman’s Holiday are not included.

I would suggest Robin’s site is a better place to get them… In AV Linux I simply wrap Robin’s binaries in a Deb. This package is here *You will need to uninstall the Mint Package…


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