Audio editing workflow questions

Hi, I’m trying to achieve a few actions that would speed up my work :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. I want to select an audio region, and make playhead go to the beginning of it when I hit play.
    As for now, I only understand that when I select an audio region, two red locators at the beginning and end of it are set. Then, I can click at the one of them to create a selection. What’s the difference between this type of selection and range? Can I set range by selecting an audio region?

  2. I want to export multiple audio clips at once with my own naming scheme. I select them, and then:

  • Quick audio export allows to export only a range
  • Export to audio files allows to export only a range in time span tab
  • In region I can bounce them with processing, but this allows me to only add a prefix. I don’t want original region name, and choosing the increments would be nice as it creates only files with the same name, and operating system itself adds (1); (2) etc to the end of the file.
    Is there any other way to approach export of multiple audio regions?

Thank you!

  1. You’d need a script for this. I think you can probably use some combination of these two to get what you need: ardour-scripts/A7/play from cursor.lua at master · davidhealey/ardour-scripts · GitHub ardour-scripts/A7/play previous region.lua at master · davidhealey/ardour-scripts · GitHub

  2. Assign a range to each region and use Stem Export to bounce them all.

I discuss the way I do this here:


Thank you for the answer @DHealey. Do I understand correctly that I have to invoke the script every time when I want to play from different selected audio region?

Yes, you can assign it to a keyboard shortcut like ctrl+spacebar.

While looking at your video I learned that Ardour has a nice multiple marker operations on regions! Also, your bulk rename regions solves my another problem with naming scheme. Lua scripts are like a gold mine :grin:


Yeah it’s one of the main features that attracted me to Ardour and makes it great as a sample editing tool.


Do you know if it’s possible to change keybindings using Lua? I think I can script it to replace usual spacebar shortcut to invoke those scripts, so it would become a default behavior when I want it :smile:

You don’t need to set the key bindings in lua. You can assign the key bindings to a script in Ardour’s keyboard shortcuts editor.

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His bulk raname script is awesome! I edited it so that it would rename each clip with a sequentially given number from left to right following the given name. It is awesome for creating libraries and such. Thanks @DHealey :+1:

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You might also like this one ardour-scripts/A7/rename region sequence.lua at master · davidhealey/ardour-scripts · GitHub

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