ASIO4ALL no output

Ardour was working fine on my Windows 11 but the new ASIO4ALL downloaded and now I get no output to my mixer. Inputs work fine and I can record with my mic and music inputs. Just no play baqk/output. I have been trying to find a fix but nothing work.
Any help would be great.

Have you tried going into the ASIO4ALL advanced view? From there you can reconfigure the IO mappings, including playback.


What Audio interface are you using? In general and if possible you should download the Audio device Driver from the manufacturer if they have a proper ASIO driver for your hardware. If not then ASIO4all will have to do…

Yes I’m using a Behanger X1222USB mixer. It was working fine until this new
ASIO4ALL down loaded. My Mike input works fine. When I run my recording
the master shows output but no sound.

On the Behringer website it says it has a “ultra-low latency driver downloadable at” which means you do not need ASIO4ALL.

Thanks I’ll check it out.